Welcome to the Thorpe Hesley Squirrels Drey!
Hello and thanks for stopping by!
Every week, Squirrels will gather to grow and learn their way through lots of different games and activities
- Master new skills and try new things
- Have fun and go on adventures
- Make friends
- Are curious about the world around them
- Help others and make a difference, on their own doorstops and beyond
What do Squirrels get up to?
Squirrels can achieve anything they set their minds to – and they have lots of fun along the way. The hour long sessions will be an opportunity for youngsters to take their first steps into being part of the global scout family, and they’ll help everyone get ready for the adventure of school too.
Squirrels meetings will be packed with outdoors activities, fun and games, and so much more to help our youngest members learn the skills they need for life.
Closer to home, they’re part of a our Scout Group, alongside Beavers (aged 6 to 8), Cubs (aged 8 to 10½) and Scouts (for 10½ – to 14 year olds). When they’re older they can join District Explorers (14 to 18) and finally the Scout Network for our young adult members aged 18 to 25.
We have our very own mascot, “Kit”, who will join us on our adventures. Every week one of our squirrels will take Kit home with them to have fun and join in with their adventures at home too.
Who Leads Squirrels?
Each Drey is led by an adult Squirrel leader, usually nicknamed Red as red squirrels are most popular on Brownsea Island in Dorset – the birthplace of the scouting movement. The Drey leader is supported by Assistant Leaders and Section Assistants who help supervise activities, share their skills and keep everyone safe. Explorer Scouts taking part in the Explorer Scout Young Leader programme May help out too. Hopefully these young people go on to become section leaders themselves.
When do Squirrels meet?
Squirrels meet every TUESDAY 5:30-6:30pm, at the Scout hut on Heslow Grove, Thorpe Hesley
What happens after Squirrels?
A Squirrel will move on to Beaver Scouts before their 6th birthday.
Our Squirrel Promise
Welcoming a new Squirrel Scout to our Drey, Scout Group and the worldwide family of Scouts is an exciting time. Every time a new Squirrel decides to join, they chat through their promise with their leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Squirrels. Family and friends might come along to see this, too. Doing this is called being ‘invested’ into Squirrels, and it usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in.
The Squirrels Promise
Our Uniform and Badges

How to Join
We have a waiting list on our main admin portal, Online Scout Manager. The form can be found on the main website menu under “Join Us”
If would like more information then please get in touch by emailing squirrels@the42nd.co.uk